In a world saturated with Jaspers and Claudes, you may have asked yourself:

Is it worth it?

Each and everyday, artists are discounted. As weeks became months became years, writers have been driven to use templates, swipes, and AI bots for just about anything—even when that ‘anything’ effects the bottom line.

Dont’ get me wrong, I’ve used it; just like you’ve used it, my wife uses it, my extended family uses it, etc. It’s everywhere, and without legislation to safeguard it, it will be in our line of work for the foreseeable future. So, like any disruption or evolution in the market or our lives, we must adapt.

What gets me upstairs and to my desk every morning? Just like what makes good comedy …

As a classi—


As a classically trained Ad-boy, I can’t help but think that the small sparks that began the industry continue to exist. That the little truths that make us who we are will always be how we create friendships. That’s who I make things for and that’s why I keep making them.

No matter if it’s me behind the letters or me reworking prompts for my AssItant, I still believe that we writers, artists, and creatives hold the place to make the next great thing and the next fond memory.

Let’s write our future together.

Here's my resume.

Virginia Commonwealth University

B.S. in Creative and Strategic Advertising