Createathon: a collegiate event where volunteers are asked to help non-profits solve a brand or communication problem in 24 hours. However, Createathon 2020 was much different:
It was all virtual.
While COVID-19 was a huge blow to College Seniors everywhere, I felt that, well, hey, you know, I’m alive and healthy, right? And, if anything, virtual work is going to be a thing in the future anyway, so we might as well be learning how to navigate it here. For once, I was right to be optimistic. Through those three 8 hour Zoom call sessions, I found that any struggle can be tackled with the right mentality, spirit, and team behind you; and boy does VCU have all of that and them some.
Anyway, here’s the work.
We were asked to help the Richmond Parkinsons Dance project build a new brand identity. They needed this identity to connect with people in the Parkinsons community, as well as their family members. This included mission, vision, and value statements, along with a new website, Facebook page, and deliverables.
Mission Statement
We create camaraderie through music in an accessible environment to inspire motion for a better quality of life.
Vision Statment
Our goal is to see those affected by PD rediscover their mobility and confidence through motion and music.
Everyone has one, so why not address them? Here are some benefits that would address those objections towards dancing as a form of therapy.
Brand Pillars
Account Manager: Jack Duffy
Account Strategist: Michelle Mead
Art Director: Madeline Honig